Blackberry Vanilla Hazelnut Tart

Are you looking to impress your guests with a dessert that balances fruitiness, nuttiness, and a luxurious vanilla aroma? Look no further than this stunning Blackberry Vanilla Hazelnut Tart. Combining juicy blackberries, creamy vanilla, and crunchy hazelnuts, this tart is not only a treat for your taste buds but also a visual feast. Follow this easy-to-make recipe and prepare to dazzle at your next gathering or enjoy a special treat at home.


To make this exquisite tart, you will need the following ingredients:

  • For the Crust:
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup ground hazelnuts
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) cold unsalted butter, cubed
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • For the Filling:
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and seeds scraped
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup ground hazelnuts
  • For the Topping:
  • 2 cups fresh blackberries
  • 1/4 cup chopped hazelnuts
  • Powdered sugar, for dusting (optional)


  • 9-inch tart pan with a removable bottom
  • Mixing bowls
  • Rolling pin
  • Saucepan
  • Baking beans or pie weights
  • Wire rack


  1. Prepare the Tart Crust:
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, ground hazelnuts, sugar, and salt. Add the cold cubed butter and rub it into the flour mixture using your fingertips until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
  • Mix in the beaten egg to form a dough. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for at least 30 minutes.
  • Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Roll out the chilled dough on a lightly floured surface and line your tart pan. Trim the edges and prick the base with a fork. Chill for an additional 10 minutes.
  • Line the tart shell with parchment paper and fill with baking beans. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove the beans and paper, and bake for another 10 minutes until golden. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
  1. Make the Vanilla Cream Filling:
  • In a saucepan, combine the heavy cream, vanilla bean seeds, and sugar. Heat gently until hot but not boiling. Remove from heat and let the flavors infuse for 10 minutes.
  • In a bowl, whisk the eggs. Gradually whisk in the warm cream mixture to temper the eggs. Stir in the ground hazelnuts.
  1. Assemble and Bake:
  • Pour the filling into the cooled tart shell. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for about 25 minutes until the filling is just set.
  • Carefully arrange the fresh blackberries on top of the tart. Return to the oven for another 5 minutes just to warm the berries.
  1. Garnish and Serve:
  • Let the tart cool completely before removing from the pan. Sprinkle chopped hazelnuts and dust with powdered sugar if desired.
  • Serve this gorgeous tart as is or with a dollop of whipped cream for added indulgence.
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Nutritional Information:

Each serving of this Blackberry Vanilla Hazelnut Tart is not only a delight for the senses but also offers antioxidants from the blackberries, healthy fats from the hazelnuts, and a boost of energy from the natural sugars.


This Blackberry Vanilla Hazelnut Tart is the perfect dessert for any occasion. Whether you are hosting a formal dinner party or looking for a luxurious weekend treat, this tart combines simplicity with elegance. The harmonious blend of blackberries, vanilla, and hazelnuts will leave your guests asking for the recipe!

Serving and Storage Tips for Blackberry Vanilla Hazelnut Tart

To get the most out of your Blackberry Vanilla Hazelnut Tart, here are some serving and storage tips that will ensure your tart is as delicious as it is beautiful.

Serving Tips:

  • Temperature: This tart is best served at room temperature. If you have refrigerated the tart, take it out about 30 minutes before serving to allow it to come to room temperature, enhancing the flavors and texture of the filling.
  • Accompaniments: While this tart stands out on its own, you can pair it with lightly whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra touch of decadence. The creaminess complements the crunchy texture of the hazelnuts and the tartness of the blackberries.
  • Presentation: For a finishing touch, add a light dusting of powdered sugar just before serving. This not only adds a hint of sweetness but also makes the tart visually more appealing. Garnish with a few whole hazelnuts or fresh mint leaves for a fresh, professional look.

Storage Tips:

  • Refrigeration: If you have leftovers, they can be covered loosely with foil or plastic wrap and stored in the refrigerator. The tart will keep for up to three days. Note that the crust may soften a bit upon refrigeration, so it’s best enjoyed within the first 24 hours after baking.
  • Freezing: Although you can freeze the tart, it is preferable to enjoy it fresh. If you must freeze it, wrap the fully cooled tart tightly in plastic wrap and then in foil. It can be frozen for up to one month. To serve, thaw overnight in the refrigerator and then bring to room temperature or warm slightly in the oven to refresh the crust.
  • Refreshing the Tart: If the crust has softened during storage and you prefer it crispy, you can reheat the tart in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 5-10 minutes. This will help to crisp up the crust slightly and warm through the filling.

Additional Tips:

  • Make Ahead: You can prepare the crust a day in advance and store it wrapped in the refrigerator. This can save you preparation time on the day you plan to serve the tart.
  • Handling Berries: If using frozen blackberries instead of fresh, do not thaw them before baking. Place them on the tart while still frozen to avoid releasing too much juice during baking.

By following these serving and storage tips, your Blackberry Vanilla Hazelnut Tart will be a delightful treat that maintains its quality and taste, making your dessert experience all the more enjoyable.

1. Can I use frozen blackberries instead of fresh ones for this tart?
Yes, you can use frozen blackberries if fresh ones aren’t available. There’s no need to thaw the berries before using them; just place them directly on the tart. Keep in mind that frozen berries might release a bit more juice than fresh ones, which could slightly affect the texture of the filling.

2. What can I use if I don’t have a vanilla bean?
If you don’t have a vanilla bean, you can substitute with vanilla extract. Use one teaspoon of high-quality pure vanilla extract as a replacement for one vanilla bean. Add it to the cream when heating to infuse the flavor throughout the filling.

3. Is there a gluten-free option for the crust?
Yes, to make this tart gluten-free, you can use a gluten-free all-purpose flour blend in place of regular all-purpose flour. Ensure that the ground hazelnuts are also gluten-free (no cross-contamination) and follow the same measurements and baking times.

4. How can I ensure my tart crust doesn’t become soggy?
To prevent a soggy crust, ensure that you ‘blind bake’ it first. This process involves baking the crust partially filled with pie weights or dried beans, which helps to set the crust’s shape and dry out the dough slightly before adding the wet filling. Additionally, make sure your filling is not overly liquid and that your oven temperature is correct, as too low a temperature can lead to undercooking the crust.

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