Mozzarella Bread: The Ultimate Cheesy Delight

Indulge in the ultimate cheesy delight with this scrumptious Mozzarella Bread recipe. Perfect for any occasion, this savory treat combines the rich flavors of mozzarella, provolone, and Parmesan cheeses with aromatic garlic and parsley, all nestled on a bed of warm French bread. Whether as a crowd-pleasing appetizer or a delightful accompaniment to your favorite meal, Mozzarella Bread is sure to become a beloved favorite in your culinary repertoire.


  • 1 loaf French bread, cut in half
  • 1/2 cup softened salted butter
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 8 ounces mozzarella provolone shredded cheese combination
  • 1-2 teaspoons parsley (and a pinch to top it when it’s done baking)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Cut the French bread loaf in half and place it on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. In a small mixing bowl, combine the softened butter, minced garlic, parsley, Parmesan cheese, and salt.
  4. Spread the butter mixture evenly over the French bread halves.
  5. Sprinkle the mozzarella provolone cheese blend generously over the buttered bread.
  6. Bake for approximately 10-15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the edges of the French bread turn a delightful golden brown.
  7. For an added golden touch, place the bread under the broiler for one to two minutes until the top is lightly browned.
  8. Once baked to perfection, sprinkle a pinch of fresh parsley over the Mozzarella Bread for a pop of color and flavor.


  • For a variation in flavor, consider adding sliced tomatoes, olives, or your favorite herbs to the Mozzarella Bread before baking.
  • Customize the cheese blend according to your preference, opting for sharper or milder varieties to suit your taste.
  • To ensure a crisp exterior and a soft interior, slice the French bread carefully and evenly before spreading the butter and cheese mixture.
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With its irresistible combination of gooey cheese, savory garlic, and fragrant herbs, Mozzarella Bread is a culinary masterpiece that promises to delight your taste buds with every bite. Whether served as an appetizer, a side dish, or even a delicious snack, this cheesy creation is bound to become a cherished favorite among family and friends. Treat yourself to the ultimate cheesy indulgence with Mozzarella Bread today!

  1. Can I Use a Different Type of Bread for This Recipe?
  • Absolutely! While French bread works wonderfully for Mozzarella Bread due to its sturdy texture and crusty exterior, you can experiment with different types of bread based on your preference. Baguettes, ciabatta, or even sourdough bread can be excellent alternatives. Just ensure that the bread you choose is sturdy enough to hold the butter and cheese mixture without becoming soggy.
  1. Can I Make Mozzarella Bread Ahead of Time and Reheat It?
  • While Mozzarella Bread is best enjoyed fresh out of the oven, you can prepare it ahead of time and reheat it with satisfactory results. After baking the bread, allow it to cool completely before wrapping it tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. When ready to serve, reheat the bread in a preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-15 minutes or until heated through and the cheese is melted and gooey again.
  1. What Variations Can I Make to This Recipe?
  • Mozzarella Bread is incredibly versatile, allowing for various flavor combinations and additions. Consider incorporating different types of cheese such as cheddar, Gouda, or fontina for a unique taste experience. Additionally, you can elevate the flavor profile by adding toppings like sliced tomatoes, caramelized onions, cooked bacon, or fresh herbs such as basil or rosemary. Get creative and tailor the recipe to your personal preferences and dietary restrictions.
  1. How Can I Ensure the Bread Doesn’t Become Soggy?
  • To prevent the bread from becoming soggy, it’s essential to take a few precautions during preparation. Firstly, make sure the butter is spread evenly over the bread, covering the entire surface area. This creates a barrier between the bread and the cheese, helping to maintain its texture. Additionally, avoid using overly moist ingredients and ensure that the cheese blend is well-drained before sprinkling it over the bread. Finally, be mindful of the baking time and temperature, ensuring that the bread bakes evenly without becoming overly moist.
  1. Can I Freeze Mozzarella Bread for Later Consumption?
  • While Mozzarella Bread is best enjoyed fresh, you can freeze it for later consumption with some adjustments. After baking the bread, allow it to cool completely before wrapping it tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil. Alternatively, you can cut the bread into individual portions for easier storage. Frozen Mozzarella Bread can be stored in the freezer for up to one month. To reheat, thaw the bread in the refrigerator overnight and then bake it in a preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes or until heated through. However, note that the texture and flavor may slightly differ from freshly baked Mozzarella Bread.
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